
Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. ~ 2 Corinthians 9:7

Additional Opportunities

St. James Auction

Catching God's Blessings. Each year St. James has a gala dinner and auction. Money earned goes supporting the ministries and facilities of our school and providing tuition assistance. This event has raised over $100,000 in the past. Visit Our Website

RaiseRight (Formerly Scrip)

Purchase a gift card at face value and the SCRIP program gives a different percentage of their profit ranging from 2%-25% to St. James. Also, 50% of that profit can be applied to school tuition or the ministry of your choice. Read More 

Thrivent Choice 

Thrivent Choice is designed to give members a choice in directing some of Thrivent Financial’s charitable funds to St. James. Read More
